
Infertility Specialist Hyderabad


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Search dates: January 6, 2014; January 28, 2014; February 5, 2014; and November 18, 2014. Ejaculation disorders: If the ejaculatory ducts are blocked, semen may be ejaculated into the bladder Hormonal imbalance: Hypogonadism, for example, can lead to a testosterone deficiency. However, these tests have only poor to moderate predictive value despite widespread use. They can be blocked due to numerous causes, including infections,  trauma or abnormal development, such as with cystic fibrosis or similar inherited conditions.

Known male factor semen abnormalities: If a male partner has a history of infertility with a prior partner, or if there are abnormalities on his semen analysis, then we advise earlier fertility evaluation, ideally within 6 months of attempting pregnancy. Clark AM, Thornley B, Tomlinson L, Galletley C, Norman RJ. Causes of male infertility include Physical problems with the testicles Blockages in the ducts that carry sperm Hormone problems A history of high fevers or mumps Genetic disorders Lifestyle or environmental factors About a third of the time, infertility is because of a problem with the man. If sperm does not appear in the ejaculate, but they are being produced, the doctor may be able to take sperm directly from the testicles, or from the bladder (in cases of retrograde ejaculation), and use that sperm to fertilize an egg in the lab. 6,8,23 A high FSH level (10 to 20 mIU per mL [10 to 20 IU per L]) drawn on day 3 of the menstrual cycle is associated with infertility. 17 Evaluation of male infertility starts with a history and physical examination focusing on previous fertility, pelvic or inguinal surgeries, systemic diseases, and exposures.

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Infertility in Chinese

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A variety of disorders ranging from hormonal disturbances to physical problems, to psychological problems can cause male infertility.  Although many treatment options are now available, in many cases treatment will not work.  In many instances, male infertility is caused by testicular damage resulting in an inability of the testicle to produce sperm.  Once damaged, the testicle will not usually regain its sperm-making capabilities; this aspect of male infertility is analogous to menopause (though not natural like menopause) for women and cannot usually be treated.  Despite medicine�s limited ability to treat male infertility, many successful treatment options are available for its many causes.  Besides testicular damage, the main causes of male infertility are low sperm production and poor sperm quality.   The Causes of Male Infertility Male infertility has many causes--from hormonal imbalances, to physical problems, to psychological and/or behavioral problems.  Moreover, fertility reflects a man�s �overall� health.  Men who live a healthy lifestyle are more likely to produce healthy sperm.  The following list highlights some lifestyle choices that negatively impact male fertility--it is not all-inclusive: · Smoking--significantly decreases both sperm count and sperm cell motility. · Prolonged use of marijuana and other recreational drugs. · Chronic alcohol abuse. · Anabolic steroid use--causes testicular shrinkage and infertility. · Overly intense exercise--produces high levels of adrenal steroid hormones which cause a    testosterone deficiency resulting in infertility. · Inadequate vitamin C and Zinc in the diet. · Tight underwear--increases scrotal temperature which results in decreased sperm production. · Exposure to environmental hazards and toxins such as pesticides, lead, paint, radiation, radioactive   substances, mercury,  benzene, boron, and heavy metals · Malnutrition and anemia. · Excessive stress! Two hormones signal to the testes to make sperm and testosterone: luteinizing hormone and follicle-stimulating hormone.

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Endocrine tests to check concentrations of the hormones testosterone, FSH and LH. 9 Because anxiety over infertility may cause increased stress and decreased libido, further compounding the problem, formal counseling is encouraged for couples experiencing infertility. Treatment of Male-factor Infertility. (PDF, 10 MB) Chapter 9 from Progress in Infertility, 1993.

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Handled with pure professionalism and care from the very start!Table of Contents Are you more of a visual learner? Testicular histology reveals hyalinization of seminiferous tubules.[21] Some men with Klinefelter syndrome may be able to conceive with the help of assisted reproductive techniques. Testosterone is a key hormone for male fertility, so problems with the testes that produce this hormone may lead to infertility. Treatment[edit] Treatment depends on the cause of infertility, but may include counselling, fertility treatments, which include in vitro fertilization. The chance of a live birth following treatment is nearly 50% [25]. Treatment depends on the cause of infertility and varies from ovulation-inducing drugs to surgery to ART.Continued Hysteroscopy . In this procedure, your doctor places a hysteroscope into your uterus through your cervix. 8 Patients should be counseled that 50% of couples who have not conceived in the first year of trying will conceive in the second year. 8 Evaluation of Men Jump to section + Causes of male infertility include infection, injury, toxin exposures, anatomic variances, chromosomal abnormalities, systemic diseases, and sperm antibodies. The mature oocytes are put onto a special culture medium and stored in the incubator.

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