
Infertility in Female Wikipedia


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16. Investigation of suspected tubal and uterine abnormalities: 1. Compensatory and Obligatory Renal Growth in Rats. (PDF, 1 MB) American Journal of Physiology, 1974. Four alternatives are currently available to treat endometriosis: expectant therapy, surgical intervention, medical treatment, and combined therapy.

8,33,35,36 Lastly, in vitro fertilization, with or without intracytoplasmic sperm injection, is the mainstay of assisted reproductive technology for male factor infertility. Clinical Characterization of 42 Oligospermic or Azoospermic Men with Microdeletion of the AZFc Region of the Y Chromosome, and of 18 Children Conceived via ICSI. (PDF, 606 KB) Human Reproduction, 2002. For instance, women with hyper or hypo-thyroidism sometimes have ovulation problems.

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Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome (OHSS) The syndrome occurs due to treatment with medicamentous ovulation inductors. Female factor infertility is typically to blame 40 percent of the time, while male factor infertility is the cause of issues 30 to 40 percent of the time. Fertilization takes place outside the body, and the fertilized egg is reinserted into the woman's reproductive tract, in a procedure called embryo transfer. 3,4  Infertility may arise from male factors, female factors, or a combination of these (Table 15–8). A mouse study has suggested that ingredients in some household detergents may reduce fertility. Use of clomiphene citrate in infertile women: a committee opinion.

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A defect in any of these sperm structures may result in infertility that will not be detected by semen analysis.[60] Antisperm antibodies cause immune infertility.[23][24] Cystic fibrosis can lead to infertility in men. Laurence-Moon-Biedl syndrome Patients with this syndrome have retinitis pigmentosa and polydactyly. Often, in vitro fertilization (IVF) can reveal abnormalities in egg quality, sperm function, or embryo development that would not have been determined from standard testing.

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2 This encompasses couples with infertility and impaired ability to get pregnant, but it does not capture those who are not married, so actual numbers may be underestimated. Most couples (about 84%) who have regular sexual intercourse (that is, every two to three days) and who do not use contraception get pregnant within a year. It has been proven useful in overcoming infertility conditions, such as blocked or damaged tubes, endometriosis, repeated IUI failure, unexplained infertility, poor ovarian reserve, poor or even nil sperm count. Clean, Intermittent Self-catheterization in the Treatment of Urinary Tract Disease. (PDF, 2 MB) The Journal of Urology, 1972. Ectopic pregnancy This is when a fertilized egg implants outside the womb, usually in a fallopian tube. The ovaries can stop working in about 5% of cases. In these methods, fertilization occurs inside the body. The main causes of tubal infertility are pelvic infections caused by bacteria such as chlamydia, previous abdominal disease or surgery and ectopic pregnancy. • Endometriosis is characterised by excessive growth of the lining of the uterus.

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Infertility Death Rates
Infertility Doctor in Naseem Al Rabeeh
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