
Secondary Infertility Stats


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Sperm retrieval for azoospermia and intracytoplasmic sperm injection success rates – A personal overview. (PDF, 1 MB) Human Fertility, 2010. That is why a complete build-up of the endometrial mucosa is not possible anymore. S. women, or 6% of the married population 15 to 44 years of age, reported infertility, and 6. Human menopausal gonadotropin, or hMG (Repronex): This contains both FSH and LH. Prior surgeries Certain surgeries may prevent you from having sperm in your ejaculate, including vasectomy, inguinal hernia repairs, scrotal or testicular surgeries, prostate surgeries, and large abdominal surgeries performed for testicular and rectal cancers, among others.

Causes It is estimated that infertility affects 1 in 7 heterosexual couples in the UK. In about 40% of cases disorders are found in both the man and the woman. When anatomic variance or obstruction is suspected, referral for surgical evaluation and treatment is appropriate. A variety of disorders ranging from hormonal disturbances to physical problems, to psychological problems can cause male infertility.  Although many treatment options are now available, in many cases treatment will not work.  In many instances, male infertility is caused by testicular damage resulting in an inability of the testicle to produce sperm.  Once damaged, the testicle will not usually regain its sperm-making capabilities; this aspect of male infertility is analogous to menopause (though not natural like menopause) for women and cannot usually be treated.  Despite medicine�s limited ability to treat male infertility, many successful treatment options are available for its many causes.  Besides testicular damage, the main causes of male infertility are low sperm production and poor sperm quality.   The Causes of Male Infertility Male infertility has many causes--from hormonal imbalances, to physical problems, to psychological and/or behavioral problems.  Moreover, fertility reflects a man�s �overall� health.  Men who live a healthy lifestyle are more likely to produce healthy sperm.  The following list highlights some lifestyle choices that negatively impact male fertility--it is not all-inclusive: · Smoking--significantly decreases both sperm count and sperm cell motility. · Prolonged use of marijuana and other recreational drugs. · Chronic alcohol abuse. · Anabolic steroid use--causes testicular shrinkage and infertility. · Overly intense exercise--produces high levels of adrenal steroid hormones which cause a    testosterone deficiency resulting in infertility. · Inadequate vitamin C and Zinc in the diet. · Tight underwear--increases scrotal temperature which results in decreased sperm production. · Exposure to environmental hazards and toxins such as pesticides, lead, paint, radiation, radioactive   substances, mercury,  benzene, boron, and heavy metals · Malnutrition and anemia. · Excessive stress! Effect of metformin on ovulation and reproductive outcomes in women with polycystic ovary syndrome: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. For example; a woman who has no history suggestive of previous pelvic inflammatory disease or endometriosis, there is no justification to request a laparoscopy especially after normal hysterosalpingography study [33]. IVF and related techniques (ICSI, ZIFT, GIFT) are called assisted reproductive technology (ART) techniques.

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A lot more Resources For Secondary Infertility Stats

NIH: National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Start Here How Common is Male Infertility, and What Are Its Causes? (National Institute of Child Health and Human Development) Male Infertility (American Academy of Family Physicians) Also in Spanish Male Infertility (Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research) Also in Spanish Diagnosis and Tests Diagnostic Testing for Male Factor Infertility (American Society for Reproductive Medicine) - PDF Also in Spanish Semen Analysis (National Library of Medicine) Also in Spanish Testosterone Levels Test (National Library of Medicine) Also in Spanish Treatments and Therapies Assisted Reproductive Technology: MedlinePlus Health Topic (National Library of Medicine) Also in Spanish Healthy Sperm: Improving Your Fertility (Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research) Also in Spanish Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) (American Society for Reproductive Medicine) Also in Spanish Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) (Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research) Also in Spanish What Treatment Options Are Available for Male Infertility? (National Institute of Child Health and Human Development) Living With Foods That Can Affect Fertility (Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics) Related Issues Fertility Issues in Boys and Men with Cancer (National Cancer Institute) Finasteride (Propecia/Proscar) and Pregnancy (Organization of Teratology Information Specialists) - PDF Low Testosterone and Men's Health (Hormone Health Network) Also in Spanish Optimizing Male Fertility (American Society for Reproductive Medicine) Specifics Dry Orgasm (Orgasm without Discharge of Semen) (Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research) Also in Spanish Low Sperm Count (Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research) Also in Spanish Sperm Shape (Morphology): Does It Affect Fertility? (American Society for Reproductive Medicine) Also in Spanish Genetics Genetics Home Reference: 48,XXYY syndrome (National Library of Medicine) Genetics Home Reference: CATSPER1-related nonsyndromic male infertility (National Library of Medicine) Genetics Home Reference: congenital bilateral absence of the vas deferens (National Library of Medicine) Genetics Home Reference: globozoospermia (National Library of Medicine) Genetics Home Reference: macrozoospermia (National Library of Medicine) Genetics Home Reference: sensorineural deafness and male infertility (National Library of Medicine) Genetics Home Reference: X-linked adrenal hypoplasia congenita (National Library of Medicine) Genetics Home Reference: Y chromosome infertility (National Library of Medicine) Learning about Klinefelter Syndrome (National Human Genome Research Institute) Videos and Tutorials Causes of Male Infertility (American Society for Reproductive Medicine) Sperm release pathway (Medical Encyclopedia) Also in Spanish Statistics and Research High Plasticizer Levels In Males Linked to Delayed Pregnancy for Female Partners (National Institute of Child Health and Human Development) Infertility Research at the NICHD (National Institute of Child Health and Human Development) Clinical Trials Infertility, Male (National Institutes of Health) ClinicalTrials.Differences between sterility and infertility (primary and secondary) ARE STERILITY AND INFERTILITY THE SAME? The majority of men with varicocele present no symptoms. Fertility Evaluation: General and Sexual History A detailed history includes: General history  This includes occupation and background, use of tobacco, alcohol and drugs, earlier diseases, history of abdominal surgery and earlier infections.

Right here are Some Even more Info on Secondary Infertility Stats

These risks include: Age (past age 40, men experience more fertility problems). Treatment[edit] Treatment depends on the cause of infertility, but may include counselling, fertility treatments, which include in vitro fertilization.

Right here are Some More Details on Secondary Infertility Stats

This leads to increased androgen secretion from the adrenal gland, causing feedback inhibition of GnRH release from the hypothalamus. Low sperm mobility (motility): The sperm cannot "swim" as well as they should to reach the egg. Less common factors The following other factors may also be responsible for infertility in a smaller proportion of cases: • Genetic abnormalities within eggs, sperm or both • An abnormal uterine cavity, including the presence of fibroids or polyps • Immunological infertility, whereby either the male or female partner produces anti-bodies against sperm cells or implantation of an embryo • Abnormal cervical mucus which hinders the passage of sperm to the uterus and fallopian tubes Unexplained infertility Even when investigations have been extensive, some couples will have no reason with which to explain their infertility. Treatment[edit] Treatment depends on the cause of infertility, but may include counselling, fertility treatments, which include in vitro fertilization. Choice of infertility treatment often related to issues of efficacy, cost, ease of use or administration, and its side effects. The use of surgical humidification therapy, which is the use of heated and humidified CO2 for insufflation, has been shown to reduce this risk.[27] Many patients with existing pulmonary disorders may not tolerate pneumoperitoneum (gas in the abdominal cavity), resulting in a need for conversion to open surgery after the initial attempt at laparoscopic approach. It does not affect the couples' life only, but it also affects the healthcare services and social environment [4]. However, future pregnancy is possible with the other ovary and tube. A small incision is made in the abdomen, and a thin, flexible microscope with a light at the end, called a laparoscope, is inserted through it. MESA or TESA? (PDF, 115 KB) Human Reproduction, 1996. As the amount of adipose tissue increases, there is more aromatase available to convert androgens, and serum estradiol levels increase. There is no reliable treatment, although microsurgery may be attempted. Successful Autotransplantation of an Intra-abdominal Testis to the Scrotum by Microvascular Technique. (PDF, 11 MB) The Journal of Urology, 1976. Chromosomal Abnormalities in Embryos Derived from Testicular Sperm Extraction. (PDF, 324 KB) Fertility and Sterility, 2003. Many uterine and tubal abnormalities detected by the HSG can be surgically corrected.

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See also
Infertility Prevalence Who
Monklands Hospital Infertility Department
Infertility Testing Kit